‘Id Est’: Integrating Development Education into Student Teacher Practice, is a small but important project run by the School of Education UCC. It is led by Dr. Stephen O’Brien at the School of Education and Dr. Gertrude Cotter of the Praxis Project, Centre for Global Development, UCC. ‘Id Est’ is aimed at Professional Masters in Education (PME) students who are training to become secondary school teachers.
UCC has been running the ‘Id Est’ Project since 2014. On this site we showcase some of the work carried out by students who take The Global Teacher Award each year. This award is run in collaboration with Galway One World Centre and we are privileged to work with Ms. Vicki Donnelly each year. PME students volunteer to take part in this project and attend a series of around 14 hours of workshops, talks and lectures. They then carry out a project either collectively or in their own classroom placements.
On this site you can find some examples of projects which students have taken part in. Given how busy their schedules are, we are very proud of the work the students manage to do while they are still at an early stage in their careers.
‘Id Est’ is funded by Ubuntu Network which is an Irish Aid funded network of teacher educators. Ubuntu actively promotes that Development Education be embedded into post-primary Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in Ireland. Our thanks to Ubuntu and Irish Aid.
We hope you enjoy the site.
Steve and Gertrude